Monday, June 10, 2013

Yikes!!!!! It's been over two weeks since my last post.

The weekend of May 24th, Bill and I met in Atlanta for our sweet goddaughter Shannon's high school graduation! It was a joyous event and we are delighted for her accomplishment!

The proud God parents:-)
Moms and sister.
Shannon and cousins Barry, Cary and D'earica.
Before flying "home" to Silver Spring, Bill and I spent a quick couple of hours with a realtor looking for a place to live when we return to Atlanta. More about that later!
We joined Jocelyn, Dan and Talli on Memorial Day for a yummy picnic. Here are Gramma, Talli and Amelia taking a break from playing 4-squares!
On Friday, May 31st, Bill and I were chaperones for Talli's 5th grade trip to Mt. Vernon. Three busloads of kids joined several hundreds of kids from other schools at George Washington's estate. It was great fun and we learned a lot.
Arriving at the crack of dawn!

Our small group: Sean, Nicholas, Talli and Daphne.

Learning something!

NOT learning something!
More to come!

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