Thursday, May 23, 2013

We've been pretty busy since we got to Silver Spring. The first weekend we were here, we went to a Kentucky Derby party with Jocelyn and Dan. I won $11.00 for chosing the winner Orb! (Actually Bill told me which horse to bet on and I actually listened to him!)

The Happy Winner/s!
Bill and I drove to Baltimore to see the Baltimore Orioles play the San Diego Padres. Unfortunately the final score was Padres 8, Orioles 4:-(
As you can see, we enjoyed ourselves anyway!

That same week, we visited the Boonsboro Museum which was a fascinating collection of Civil War items as well as collections of china and religious icons. The owner, Doug Bast, lives at the museum and has collected all of the items over many years.

That same day we visited the Chrystal Grotto Caverns which were discovered in 1920.
I was somewhat leery of being underground in a small space but we had a great tour and saw some amazing stalagmites and stalactites which I've never seen in person before!
We've attended 3 of Talli's concerts: 2 choral concerts and one instrumental. Here's TJB playing the trumpet!

Last weekend Bill and I volunteered with the Out of Sight Dragon Boat Team who were racing on the Potomac. I'd heard about but never been to Dragon Boat races and we had a great time. The Out of Sight Dragons are literally without sight! A group of blind and visually impaired people with the oldest woman aged 86 and the oldest man aged 85! It was a great way to meet some cool people, guide the paddlers to and from the boats and scream my head off! There are 20 paddlers per boat, a drummer and a steerer. The OSD team filled 16 of the slots and then had other paddlers fill the remaining 4 slots. They raced 3 times on Saturday and they met their goal of bettering their time each race! Very exciting!

That's all for now!



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