Saturday, March 9, 2013

On Thursday, February 21, I drove to Micanopy, a small town about 12 miles SW of Gainesville. I spent a lovely morning with a delightful woman I met on a plane ride from Gainesville to a workshop back in January. We talked for hours, she let me into the Micanopy History Museum where she is a volunteer and supporter and then relaxed at her house sitting out on a deck with a spectacular view of Lake Wauberg! Another great reminder that we meet wonderful people everywhere!

The following day, Bill and I drove to Cedar Key which is west of Gainesville on the Gulf.

At one time, this tiny tourist town of 702 was a thriving town and port with rail access.

On Wednesday, February 27, Bill and I (along with about 2,000 of our closest friends) stood on line for over an hour to get free tickets to see Maya Angelou. When we were about 15 people from the door, they ran out of tickets!!!! Along with the several hundred folks behind us, we were disappointed and it was amazing to see how many people wanted to see Maya Angelou!

We continue enjoying our family time with Ty, Lucas, Angie and Joe!

More later,

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