Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Since I last posted, I've been busy with physical therapists for my back and my arm. I've got tendinitis in my left arm which started bothering me in mid November. I finally decided that it wasn't going away and started seeing someone about it. Just yesterday I realized that it hadn't bothered me as much as usual which is great news!!!!

 Being so close to the University of Florida has been great. In past weeks we've done our morning walks there, gone to an A Cappella concert/competition, basketball games and tennis matches. I'm also slowly making friends from Holy Trinity Church.

Stopping for Mochi's frozen treats during one of our campus walks!

In addition to cars, here are the top 3 modes of transportation in Gainesville:
Bill's and my preferred method!

The football stadium is open for walking and one can always take a picture with the bull gator!

Holy Trinity Church, in partnership with other Gainesville congregations, participates in something called Interfaith Hospitality Network. The partner congregations host homeless families for a week at a time providing a place to stay, meals, and transportation to work and school.
Holy Trinity hosted 3 families with 7 kids between them. Bill and I volunteered to play with the kids one evening between dinner and bedtime.

We had lots of fun with a family of 4 girls, 2 sets of twins, playing air hockey with Maika and holding Caleb while watching Maika and his Mom play air hockey.

More to come later!

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