Tuesday, September 10, 2013

On September 6 we also visited Mt. Rushmore. Designed by sculptor Gutzon Borglum, work on this massive project took 6 1/2 years on and off between 1927 and 1941. Highly skilled workers used dynamiting techniques Borglum had developed carving the confederate memorial carving in Stone Mountain, Ga.

An amazing view of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Lincoln! Another must see!

That same day we drove to the Crazy Horse Memorial. Sculptor Korczak Ziolkowski had worked as an assistant to Borglum at Mt. Rushmore in 1939. That same year he was asked by Chief Henry Standing Bear of the Oglala Sioux to carve a giant sculpture dedicated to the American Indian.

Ziolkowski agreed and dedicated the rest  of his life to this enormous project. He spent several decades alone on Thunderhead Mountain, drilling and blasting the sculpture of Crazy Horse on his steed. Ziolkowski died in 1982 and since then the memorial has continued to be built by his wife Ruth and 7 of their 10 children. We couldn't get close enough to get any good pictures of the sculpture. Here is a photo of a 1/34-scale plaster of the sculpture. I hope some day to see the completion of this massive project.
More later, Cappy

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Badlands, Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorial

What a day of learning and beauty! We started at Badlands National Park. An experience of vast expanses with prairies and striped rock formations that started forming millions of years ago. A few photos to give you a sense of the majesty of this sacred place.

We drove about 25 miles of unpacked roads and saw buffalo and prairie dog towns.

Next we drove to Mt. Rushmore, SD. 

More about Mt. Rushmore tomorrow!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kadoka South Dakota

We left Omaha around 8:15 this morning and arrived in Kadoka, SD 9 hours and 420 miles later. We visited Scribner and Pilger where Bill's Aunts Luella and Hertha lived long ago. 

We passed by countless cornfields, grazing cattle, bales of hay, grain elevators and water towers with the town's name on them.

I started noting the populations of these
small towns: Tilden 1078, Oakdale 362, Neligh 1651, Clearwater 384, Ewing 387,  Inman 129, O'Neill 3705, a major metropolis where we stopped for lunch.

Hard pressed to find a non-meat item and tired of grilled cheese, I ordered a fried fish sandwich while Bill got the special: creamed chicken over biscuits. I'm hoping to find some gently cooked or raw veggies on this trip!!

We spent the afternoon listening to and singing songs I brought on my iPod starting with Beverly "guitar" Watkins singing "Miss Doctor Feelgood"! Happy I remembered my music because it's hard to pick up radio stations with no static in some areas.

So, we're off to a good start and I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

More later, Cappy

On the road again!

We arrived via plane in Omaha, NE on September 3rd! Had a wonderful 2 day visit with Bill's sister and 99 year old mother who are both doing well! 

After oatmeal and coffee from Starbucks, we're  "on the road again" and will spend the night in Kadoka, SD!