Wednesday, August 28, 2013

On Sunday, August 18th which was the third anniversary of my Dad's death, Jocelyn, Talli and I sang Dona Nobis Pacem in church. It was a very sweet moment and I know my Dad was smiling down on us!

As we approach our departure date from Silver Spring, I've been catching up with friends I've made in the last few months and a couple of friends from years past. Spending lots of time with Talli Jane who started middle school on 8/26.
Showing Poppy videos she's made!
On Saturday, August 24th, Bill, Dan, Jocelyn, Talli and I went to the 2013 March on Washington for Jobs, Justice and Freedom! It was wonderful to attend 50 years after I attended the 1963 March on Washington! And great to be there with my daughter and granddaughter! We heard lots of speakers and all of them spoke very clearly about the importance of including any and all groups who experience oppression, violence, injustice or discrimination. Rev. Al Sharpton admonished the crowd of over 200,000 to not get confused by who was more oppressed and reminded us that we need each other and have power when we work on issues together!
In front of the White House on our way to the March!!!
First day of middle school!
Here we are having dinner at a restaurant Talli chose the first day of middle school.
 Today, which is the actual 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Bill and I are headed downtown for another gathering. We hope to hear Presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter!! Another historic event!
 Tomorrow we leave Silver Spring after a fabulous 4 months! We'll arrive in Atlanta just in time for Labor Day weekend. Our time with kids and grandkids has come to an end.
It's been an amazing 12 months with so many precious moments with family, making new friends, exploring new communities and being reminded over and over again that there are wonderful people everywhere you are!
The Tuesday after Labor Day we'll head to Omaha, NE to visit Bill's Mom and sister for a couple of days. Then we'll drive to Glacier National Park and Yellowstone Park returning to Atlanta mid September. I'm looking forward to seeing some of the amazing places of beauty in the western USA!
Thanks for reading my blog! It's been a great way for me to record memories from these "many moons on the road"!

Monday, August 19, 2013

For Christmas, we gave Talli a trip to Hershey Park in Hershey, Pa. She redeemed her gift certificate on August 13 and 14. Off we went to the amusement/water park! Fortunately the weather was fairly cool so we skipped the water park. Talli is a roller coaster kind of girl and I am not! So Bill and Talli rode one of the "gentler" roller coasters. I rode the choo-choo train and the ferris wheel! And all of us ate too much caramel popcorn. I embarrassed Talli as much as possible by screaming as loudly as possible on the slow easy rides!
The second day, we went on the Hershey Chocolate Tour which was great fun! Here we are arriving at Hershey Chocolate.
Next a 4D movie and posing as our favorite Hershey candies.

We took a bus tour through the town and finished with a chocolate tasting, making our own candy bars and designing the packaging labels. Here are the pleased with ourselves candy makers who agreed we had had enough chocolate for the day!!

On the way home, we stopped at Gettysburg National Park where we took an audio car tour of the battlefields. It was sobering to view and walk on the very ground where so many were injured and died during the Civil War.
We're approaching the end of our "year on the road" and have a few more days here in Silver Spring before returning to Atlanta. I'm happy to have kept this blog as a record of our time with children and grandchildren.
More later,

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The week of July 15 was busy for us. On Tuesday the 16th, Bill and I drove to Anapolis, Md and had lunch with my cousin Missy Attridge. We had a lovely visit and caught up on each other's families. Missy and I don't know each other well and hardly saw each other growing up so it was great to get to know her later in our lives.

Wednesday, the 17th we drove to Philadelphia for an overnight visit with my cousin Beth Tuttle. Beth recently accepted a job as President and CEO of The Cultural Data Project. She also recently had her first book published, Magnetic: The Art and Science of Engagement.

We had a great visit in Phillie even though it was in the high 90's. We went to the Barnes Foundation which houses one of the world's finest holdings of impressionist, post-impressionist, and early modern paintings, African sculpture, metalwork, and more.

We also went to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and posed with the Rockie statue although neither Bill nor I did the Sylvester Stalone (as Rockie) run up the stairs!!!!!

Here we are posing by the Liberty Bell after visiting Independence Hall. I think I visited Philadelphia as a child but don't remember it. It's a great place to visit and learn about American history!
At the end of the week, we drove to Rehobeth Beach, Delaware where we spent a wonderful week with Jocelyn, Dan and Talli! Lots of great weather, waves for Talli to use her boogie board, karaoke singing, pool time and fun with friends. Coincidentally, Beth and her family were there the same week. We had a fun dinner with them and kept running into them on the beach!
 Bill and I took the ferry to New Jersey and visited Cape May which is one of the country's oldest vacation resort towns. There are still lots of Victorian homes in the town which are wonderful to see. Here's the view from the back of the ferry.
Spent some time with Talli Jane the following week. Here are the Three Amigos - Uno Amigo y Dos Amigas!!!!!
The first weekend in August, we flew to Atlanta and  bought a condo!!!! We spent one night and had our stuff moved out of storage into our new place then flew back to Silver Spring!!!! It's exciting to have a new home in Atlanta!!! We bought a place in The Reid House on Peachtree Street diagonally across from the High Museum. A great place in a great location!
And finally, yesterday, August 13 we toured the Capitol and visited Congressman John Lewis' office. We were invited to sit in his office and view a short video and then his staff took our picture. The Congressman was away on vacation but will be back for the March on Washington Commemoration Activities later this month.

That's all for now!
More later, Cappy