Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Special happenings on June 11th! Talli Jane Basile was promoted to 6th grade!!!!

Best buds with Ms. Munoz their kindergarten teacher!!!!

Final, final day of school when all students, teachers, staff and parents line the hallways of the school and "Clap Out" the 5th graders!!!! Sweet times!
On Sunday, June 16th, Bill and I drove to Winchester, VA to the Museum of the Shenandoah Valley.
There is a wonderful museum, an 18th century home, the Glen Burnie House and fabulous gardens. Unfortunately the home is closed for renovation but we were able to stroll through the magnificant gardens.

The weather is starting to warm up but mornings are still great for walking. Big doings this coming weekend with family coming to town and then off to Asheville, NC next week for our annual Sisters' Gathering!
More later,

Monday, June 10, 2013

Phew!!! It's been less than a minute since my last post! I'm so pleased with myself:-)

On June 2nd, Bill and I went into DC for the 30th Annual Dupont-Kalorama Walk Weekend.

Apparently once a year, the 9 museums in the consortium offer free admission. As you can imagine, there were tons of folks visiting these places. I'm guessing that many of them like us had never been there before.

We got to see the:

Woodrow Wilson House which is DC's only presidential museum.

Textile Museum  including lots of kids activities like sheep shearing and showing how yarn is made as well as amazing textiles from all over the world.

Phillips Collection with modern and contemporary American and European art in a spectactular building.

Fondo Del Sol  which is a nonprofit bilingual, community-based museum composed of artists, filmmakers, and educators who share a common dedication to the art and cultural heritage of the people of the Americas and the great American Diaspora.

Anderson House - The Society of the Cincinnati  the winter home of American diplomat Larz Anderson and his wife Isabel, an author and benefactress. We were told that this home was built for entertaining and it was over the top spectacular!

Since then, I've made a couple of new friends, found a new chiropractor, starting working out again and lots done lots of walking.

Yesterday, we went to church and the church picnic! Lots of great food and dancing.
Some of the wilder dancers!!!!!Shelly, Lana, Talli and Jocelyn
That afternoon, we took the Metro downtown for a mix of activities. We viewed the One Million Bones exhibit on the mall.


These are artwork bones made by students, educators, artists and activists. They are designed and displayed to raise awareness of ongoing genocide and mass atrocities. As you can imagine, it was powerful and difficult to take in and a great way to bring attention to global acts of violence.
It was Gay Pride weekend so we wandered through the crowds of people and booths and music rejoicing that there are now Gay Pride events and remembering times in the not too distant past when this would not have been possible without huge risk of arrest and physical harm.
We then stopped into the National Gallery of Art which was a welcome relief from the sun and heat.  And we also saw some of the amazing art collections!
Our final stop after returning to Silver Spring was ice cream at Moorenko's which is close by and great ice cream!  
More to come,

Yikes!!!!! It's been over two weeks since my last post.

The weekend of May 24th, Bill and I met in Atlanta for our sweet goddaughter Shannon's high school graduation! It was a joyous event and we are delighted for her accomplishment!

The proud God parents:-)
Moms and sister.
Shannon and cousins Barry, Cary and D'earica.
Before flying "home" to Silver Spring, Bill and I spent a quick couple of hours with a realtor looking for a place to live when we return to Atlanta. More about that later!
We joined Jocelyn, Dan and Talli on Memorial Day for a yummy picnic. Here are Gramma, Talli and Amelia taking a break from playing 4-squares!
On Friday, May 31st, Bill and I were chaperones for Talli's 5th grade trip to Mt. Vernon. Three busloads of kids joined several hundreds of kids from other schools at George Washington's estate. It was great fun and we learned a lot.
Arriving at the crack of dawn!

Our small group: Sean, Nicholas, Talli and Daphne.

Learning something!

NOT learning something!
More to come!