Sunday, November 4, 2012

During the past two weeks I've been having coffee dates with some of the wonderful women I've met at St. Mark's. I've really enjoyed their company and felt so welcomed by them!

Bill and I installed a basketball hoop at John and Karen's. There were at least 10,000 parts and pieces but after 4 hours we completed our project!!!

Here are the proud installers and Bill, John and Johnny are happy to have a place to play basketball!!!

Football update: Johnny's team the Broncos won their last two games! Gramma Lytha was in town for a week with some friends and got to see these two games. Here are the proud Grammas and proud Dad with Johnny!


Then my sister Sara and her husband Michael joined us for a weekend. Lots of walks on the beach, laughing at the same silly jokes over and over again and good food. The weekend was colder than normal because of Super Storm Sandy which brought huge waves and winds even though it was on the other coast. Here's Michael staying warm on our porch and Sara checking out the kite surfers who took advantage of the wild winds!


We had a great visit to the Naples Art Museum which is fabulous! Several amazing Dale Chihuly glass sculptures one of which you can see a little bit of behind us.

St. Mark's Episcopal had a wonderful All Saints Day service today with soloists and string instruments. When we sang the powerful hymn "For All the Saints", the familiar words really touched my heart as I remembered lots of saints who are no longer with us in person.

Love to you all,