Sunday, October 21, 2012

Last weekend, after Johnny's football game (which they won!) the three of us had dinner at Snook's, a restaurant on the Marco River. It was a beautiful evening with less humidity so we ate outside with lots of folks and a guitar player. Here are Bill and Johnny enjoying our dinner.

During one of our morning walks, we saw a baby alligator in the ocean.

All of the adults including the Marco police were trying to figure out how to capture the "gator" while the birds seem completely unconcerned!
Then last night, we picked up Johnny and his friend Presley from the movies. Took them out for ice cream which they seemed to enjoy immensely! Then a walk on the beach in the dark and watching the taped U of Florida game!

More later, Cappy

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Here is a snail carrying all of her belongings everywhere she goes just like us this year!


and another beautiful sunset complete with sounds of waves!

More to come! Cappy

Monday, October 8, 2012

A sand castle on our morning beach walk
and a sand Turtle


Then on Sunday, Oct 7, the Second Annual Marco Island Triathalon!
Ocean swim, 15 mile bike ride and 3 mile run on the beach! Very exciting
to watch!

More moons later!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We're still on Marco Island enjoying hot, humid, rainy weather! Torential thunderstorms followed by sunny skies. We walk about an hour a day and "complain" about the rush hour traffic which usually means there are 1-3 cars or trucks that pass us on the road. Here is a picture of rush hour on the beach.
Because we're walking on a beach in a resort area, we see the chairs and wave runners and other beach items put out on the beach every morning and taken in every night.
We've started going to our grandson Johnny's football practices on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. His team, the Broncos, had their first game last Saturday on what must have been the hottest day in my life!!!! YIKES!!!!!! They only have 12 on their team so everyone plays offense and defense. These kids only got to leave the field for water breaks in half time.
John, Karen, Johnny and Tommy have also come to the beach and pool several times. It's proven to be a wonderful way to spend time together with activities for everyone. Last Sunday Bill made a delicious corn chowder (including a vegan version for me). After a fun meal together we watched the sunset from our balcony.
There is a little movie theater almost across the street that Bill and I have been to a few times. Here are two pictures I took walking home from the theater around 8pm on evening.
More later, Cappy