Monday, September 17, 2012

We left Gainesville on Sunday, 9/9 and arrived on Marco Island late afternoon. After moving into our "permanent" home for the next 3 months, we checked out the beach. Here is the view from our porch on the 8th floor.

The condo faces west so we get beautiful sunsets.
The first week in town, I visited St. Mark's Episcopal Church where we plan to worship. They have a weekly Women's Bible study which I have already attended. A good way to meet new people.
Bill and I have been walking every morning.... half on the beach and half on the sidewalk. A great way to start the day!
More later, Cappy

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leaving Atlanta

The movers arrived at 9:00am on Tuesday, September 4th. At 4pm, they had packed everything up and our apartment was clean and empty. We returned our cable box in Chamblee and then Bill and I left Atlanta. We spent the night in Warner Robins, GA and arrived in Gainesville, Florida on Wednesday, September 5th.

We stayed with Bill's youngest son Joe and his wife Angie, sons Lucas and Ty and the 2 dogs Kaya and Penny. My 64th birthday was 9/8 and I was entertained by the LOVE BUCKET band (Joe on bass guitar, Lucas on piano and vocals and Ty on drums).

More later, Cappy